Internationally Certified NLP Course in Mumbai

Experience Transformations in Personal & Professional Life with Transformative NLP Trainings in Mumbai.

Abhay Thhakkar - NLP Trainer from Mumbai ,  is smiling


What our Participants Say

"Gratitude from the bottom of my heart for the soulful experience that changed my life and my perspective of life"

a participant experiencing confidence during Abhay's NLP certification course in Mumbai.
Mrunali Kolekar

"I stopped takin medicine for BP as my BP is normal, cervical spondylitis disappeared, headache is under control, memory has improved, confident level has increased, stress has reduced, asthma is in control"

a participant standing in 3rd position of perceptual position during Neuro Linguistic Programming course in India
Seema Mangoankar

"You will learn really intense and impactful techniques without even realising. No pomp and show, instead pure and deep learning."

a lady with eyes closed and fingers on the chin, thinking during NLP certification training in Mumbai
Banita Sharma

"For me it was a really a life transforming course"

a lady smiling during NLP training course in Mumbai
Sheetal Patil

"Can't thank Abhay enough for the experience. I feel such a powerful divine spiritual connection with something beyond me. Also, so much congruence and ease with myself. Also feeling something deep within the earth is holding me firmly. Very divine and powerful feeling."

a lady with eyes closed, experiencing deep meditative state during Transformative NLP training in Mumbai.
Janice Chandran

"A transformative journey in the real sense and a very engrossing training with lots and lots of learnings."

a lady smiling and looking during Abhay's NLP workshop in India
Niraja Jhala

"It has never been an easy task for me to forgive myself for anything and everything happening around me that was not so good. And now, I was able to do it easily for something that happened with. It is such a wonderful feeling to feel free of the obligations."

a participant with eyes closed and with emotional tears during breakthrough NLP session in Mumbai
Hema Mittal

"It has been an incredible experience for me. Abhay has helped in emptying myself and to only fill with the positives"

a lady smiling and enjoying Abhay's NLP course in India
Mansha Mirapuri

"It was a life-changing experience.
This course also helped me to heal from my childhood trauma which I might have carried for a lifetime.
Apart from that, I have observed positive changes in my behavioral and emotional health. I got rid of my negative emotions like resentment, hurt, and frustration and became a calmer person."

a lady with eyes closed and meditating during Internationally certified NLP course in India
Jaspreet Kaur

Benefits of Transformative NLP Trainings in Mumbai


Deep Healing Experience:
‍Heal traumas such as pain of loss of loved ones, all forms of abuses, childhood memories.


Heal and create more harmony in Relationships:
Heal strained relationships and enhance understanding in relationships


Accelerate Professional Growth:
Enhance professional growth by clearing internal blocks and enhancing emotional states for taking the actions. Additionally gain skills to apply in professional life to gain more success.


Access deeper meditative state:
Accelerate spiritual growth and access meditative states with more ease and joy.


Become Internationally Certified NLP Practitioner - NLP Coach:
Learn and experience more than 23 NLP techniques during the Transformative NLP Training course.
Become extremely competent with skills to heal and enhance professional lives of people.

NLP Training in India
Glimpses of the 10 days course :

New Code NLP - NLP Course in Mumbai, India


New Code NLP & NLP Trainer

Abhay Thhakkar is the first New Code NLP Trainer and NLP Trainer in India certified directly by the co-creator of NLP as well as New Code NLP co-developers to facilitate both - New Code NLP Courses and NLP Courses in India.

Abhay Thhakkar is the founder and trainer of Transformative NLP Training Institute, Mumbai.

The New Code NLP - NLP courses are facilitated in Mumbai as well as other cities in India and overseas.

Abhay - Best NLP Practitioner from India, facilitating an NLP session at an Educational Institute.Abhay Thhakkar - Best NLP Coach from India, sitting on a beach with a smile

Learning & Practicing NLP since 2008

Time indicating with hour glass
14 +

Years of Experience

A person's outline with a star on his left side
5000 +

Hours of Training Experience

a symbol outline of a person teaching to 4 people
30 +

Cities participants from

Symbol of a location with a person
NLP Mentors:

Abhay has been personally Mentored by:

NLP Trainer - Abhay Thakkar with Frank Pucelik (co-developer)

Frank Pucelik

(co-creator of NLP)

(NLP Training in Spain)

Best NLP Trainer of India - Abhay Thhakkar with John Grinder and other International NLP Trainers

John Grinder (group pic)

(co-creator of NLP)

(New Code NLP & NLP Training in Portugal)

Best NLP Trainer - Abhay Thhakkar with Christina Hall after NLP Trainers Training

Christina Hall

(co-developer of NLP)

(NLP Training in Spain)


Neuro Linguistic Programming Courses:
NLP- New Code NLP 

Get a Free Consultation from Abhay directly now

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Neuro Linguistic Programming - NLP - New Code NLP

Neuro Linguistic Programming - NLP - New Code NLP , is an incredible methodology for experiencing a transformation in every aspect of life where we desire a change.

By applying the New Code NLP- NLP techniques and tools, you will create choices in what you think, feel and behave.
Thereby enabling you to be in charge of your life and creating a reality which you wish to experience and thrive in.

a lady with hands open, experiencing freedom during NLP practitioner course in Mumbaia girl standing with eyes closed and embracing herself during NLP training course in Mumbai, by NLP Trainer from Mumbai - Abhay
Abhay Thakkar presenting the NLP Practitioner certificate to a participant - Archana, after completing the Internationally Certified NLP Course in Mumbai, India

Internationally Certified New Code NLP- NLP Practitioner

"New Code NLP is the Ferrari of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)" - John Grinder (co-creator of NLP)

☯ Learn upgraded version of Neuro Linguistic Programming.
( The exclusive content of New Code NLP can be legally taught by only New Code NLP trainers, directly certified by Dr. John Grinder as a New Code NLP Trainer)

☯ Enrich your quality of personal and professional life.

☯ Become Internationally Certified New Code NLP Practitioner.

(Your New Code NLP certificate will carry the signature of co-creator of NLP as well as co-developers of NLP. Thereby making this an approved Internationally Certified New Code NLP - NLP Course and your New Code NLP certificate have value in every country of the world.)

John Grinder (co-creator of NLP)

"Problem is not the problem,
the state (emotional state) in which you enter the problem, is the problem."

- John Grinder (co-creator of NLP & New Code NLP)

Hence, becoming New Code NLP Practitioner will enable you to create choices in life, even when and where you thought there were none.


Internationally Certified New Code NLP -NLP Course

Abhay's 10 days New Code NLP - NLP courses in Mumbai are intensive and extensive healing and learning experiences which gives opportunities to participants for healing and enhancing any aspect of their life.

Duration of New Code NLP -NLP Courses:

About the '10 days New Code NLP - NLP Course'

Benefits of the '10 days New Code NLP - NLP Course'

Which professions benefits from this NLP training ?

Why most NLP Trainers in India donot facilitate New Code NLP courses?

a lady with hand stretched out, experiencing freedom, during NLP certification course in Mumbai

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Abhay Thhakkar - Best NLP Trainer from Mumbai, with Christina Hall - co-developer of NLP

Learnings from - Neuro Linguistic Programming Trainers

During the Neuro Linguistic Programming Trainings, there are several valuable life learnings I have gained from the co-creators of NLP and co-developers of NLP as well as more than 10 Internationally Certified NLP Trainers across the globe, which I will treasure for the rest of my life.

There are several learnings which enhanced my life as a human being and many which I apply as an NLP Trainer.
One of the learnings that Christina Hall shared with me that I implement during all my NLP Trainings is:

"Interact with your participants of NLP Trainings in a way that presuppose they inherently have all the resources to accomplish. And you as an NLP trainer serve as a facilitator and guide to support them in the process of achieving what is truly meaningful in their lives."

- Christina Hall (co- developer of NLP)

About facilitation method:

NLP Training Methodology


Experiential -
Learn Neuro Linguistic Programming through activities rather than in theoretical manner. Thereby enjoy the process of learning NLP.


Practical -
Learn NLP techniques and tools that can be applied on a daily basis - personally and professionally.


Simplified -
Many participants, including NLP Coaches who have learnt NLP before from other NLP Trainer in India, have shared with Abhay that they have understood NLP more clearly after attending his NLP course since he has simplified NLP.


In-depth & Unique -
Since Abhay has learnt NLP from more than 10 NLP trainers and have been learning NLP since 2008 along with several healing modalities, the New Code NLP - NLP course contents are unique which is not by other NLP trainers in India


Authentic NLP -
Abhay has learnt NLP directly from the co-creators of NLP and co-developers of NLP and New Code NLP. Hence, the NLP training contents is rooted to pure NLP.

Abhay - NLP Trainer from Mumbai, facilitating NLP Training for corporate and the participants are enjoying.

About NLP & New Code NLP

How did Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) develop?

What is NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) ?

What is New Code NLP?

How does New Code NLP work?

Are they Internationally Certified NLP courses? Are they Accredited NLP Courses?

Who is the best NLP Trainer in India?

What are the code of ethics?

Glimpses of the 10 days course :

Transformative - NLP Course in India & overseas

NLP Course in Mumbai

NLP Course in Mumbai

NLP Course in Madrid

Hypnotherapy-NLP Course in Mumbai

NLP Course in Delhi

NLP Course in Mumbai

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Learning is a treasure that follows its owner everwhere

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