Set yourself on a Journey of Reclaiming Your Inner Self.
This deep life-transforming NLP training in India, spans for over 10 days.
You will:
> Overcome emotional hurts you have experienced in your life.
> Eliminate certain behaviours you wish to stop or change.
> Heal emotions such as anxiety and fears.
> Accelerate professional growth by learning several techniques designed to do so.
> Access meditative and other emotional states rapidly.
Through more than 25 NLP techniques and tools, every participant gets ample of opportunities to experience a transformation they desire in many aspects of life.
The techniques also include playing scientific based games that are designed to invoke the power of the sub-conscious mind. Thereby sub-conscious mind creating new neuro pathways within you that automatically enable you to feel and behave more aligned to your life's highest potential.
This Neuro Linguistic Programming course includes the New Code NLP course. The tools that are shared are applied content-free during this NLP training. Hence, during this Transformative NLP Course in India, you do not need to share the issues which you wish to heal and overcome.
The Transformative NLP Trainings in India is applicable for people from across all industries.
This includes:
> Professional from the cooperate world such as HR, CEO, COO and Entrepreneurs.
> Health and Wellness Professionals such as Psychologists, Doctors and Yoga Teachers
> Performers: Sports, Dancers, Actors.
> Parents, Teachers and Students
The 10 days Transformative NLP Course in India is inclusive of the International NLP - New Code NLP Practitioner certificate course.
Thereby you will be one of the few New Code NLP - NLP Practitioners in India to be of authority to practice NLP - New Code NLP globally.
This International NLP Certificate will be signed by the co-creator of Neuro Linguistic Programming and co-developers of New Code NLP.
You will personally by Abhay Thhakkar - the first NLP Trainer from India, certified as both - New Code NLP and NLP Trainer in India, certified by co-creator of NLP.
This Transformative NLP Course in India, is completely practical, experiential and focuses on application of the tools and techniques.
Every participant will learn ways in which they can apply the techniques in their respective professional life as well.
The NLP Trainer - Abhay Thhakkar, ensures that the outcome of each participant for enrolling for this NLP course is achieved.
Abhay beleives that are above are also some of the criteria worth cosidering while you are selecting for an NLP Practitioner course in India and even best NLP Trainer in India to learn from.
Abhay Thhakkar is first NLP Trainer from India to be certified as both New Code NLP Trainer as well as NLP Trainer, certified personally by co-creator of NLP as well as co-developers of New Code NLP.
He has been learning NLP – Neuro Linguistic Programming since 2008.
He has spent 8 months in Spain and also in Portugal to learn NLP from co-creators of NLP and co-developers of NLP and New Code NLP. In fact, he has learnt from more than 10 NLP Trainers.
Hence, his Transformative NLP Trainings in India are in-depth and unique. Further, Abhay is known to teach the NLP concepts in a simplified manner.